


1. 天工PY240M-2平地机具有较高的动力输出,能够快速平整土壤,提高工作效率。2. 采用先进的液压系统,具有较强的承载能力和稳定性,能够承受较大的工作压力。3. 机器结构坚固,具有较强的抗冲击性能,能够适应各种恶劣的工作环境。4. 操作简单,配有人性化的控制系统和舒适的驾驶室,操作者能够轻松掌控机器,并且减少疲劳感。5. 机器具有较大的操作范围和灵活性,能够适应不同的工作需求,例如平整土壤、挖沟、清除障碍物等。6. 节能环保,采用先进的发动机技术,减少燃油消耗和排放,减少对环境的污染。7. 维修方便,机器配备了易于维修和更换的零部件,降低了维修成本和停机时间。

1. Tiangong PY240M-2 motor grader has high power output, which can quickly level the soil and improve the working efficiency. 2. It adopts advanced hydraulic system, which has strong loading capacity and stability, and is able to withstand large working pressure. 3. The machine has strong structure and impact resistance, which is able to adapt to all kinds of harsh working environments. 4. It is easy to operate, equipped with humanized control system and comfortable cab. 5. With humanized control system and comfortable cab, the operator can control the machine easily and reduce fatigue. 5. The machine has a large operating range and flexibility, which can adapt to different work requirements, such as leveling the soil, digging ditches, removing obstacles, etc. 6. Energy saving and environmental protection, adopting the advanced engine technology, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, and reducing the pollution to the environment. 7. Convenient maintenance, the machine is equipped with easy maintenance and replacement parts, which reduces the maintenance cost. 8. replaceable parts, reducing maintenance costs and downtime.

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